Depression that my ex wifes affair caused me

Can I be reimbursed for the expenses I have incurred with my shrink because of the depression that my ex wifes affair caused me

she had an affair and took my kids

Nathan’s Answer

I may be incorrect but because California is a no-fault state, and adultery cannot make a significant difference in a divorce case, it would follow that you would not be able to seek reimbursement from an ex wife for mental damage sustained after her adultery. I am changing the tag to from health care to family law so my colleagues there can share their understanding.

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Domestic violence

Arrested for domestic violence

I was arrested for DV almost three weeks ago. I got an attorney. There has been a detective assigned to the case but he has not returned back calls and there are no reports yet available for my attorney. How Lon does it take to know if I'm being charged or not and how would I know?

Nathan’s Answer

Your counsel should be keeping an eye out on this for you.

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Child custody

Why would my attorney asked me to take a parenting class, a 52 week anger management class and see a counselor.

I am not being ordered by the courts to do any of the following. My ex did win an RO on me which even my attorney said I shouldn't have got since there was no violence. But I was pro per when fighting the RO and now my attorney is trying to clean up things and get me back more time with my child. Why would an attorney want me to take these things and have a counselor write a report on me attorney said we can then refile for more time in 6 months. There is no gaurentee I do all this nonsense that I will get more time....Please note I am the victim here of abuse but my ex has the money I really struggle with me taking the anger management course when I am not the angry person. Please provide some perspective on why you as an attorney would have a client do these things

Nathan’s Answer

If you lost an RO to your ex, that means a judge, an independent party, made a decision based on facts and law that supported your ex's version of events and not yours. You may be a victim, but a restraining order has been issued against you indicating you are potentially an abuser as well. Your attorney was attempting to act in your best interest by advising you to present yourself in the best light possible to the courts when you do return. Rather than call your own attorney's advice nonsense, you may want to reevaluate which, if any of those options you can afford to undertake.

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Renew my work permit

Am I gonna be able to renew my work permit?

I got dui not long ago But if I pay all fines and complete whatever the court want me to do ...

am I gonna be able to renew or is gonna affect my legal situation

Nathan’s Answer

Have you obtained DUI counsel? Has the case concluded with a conviction and probation? Generally, if this is your first and only conviction, you should be fine, as long as you avoid violating any crime during the period of your probation. It also helps if you expunge this violation after you complete your probation without incident.

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Domestic violence

How do I find out if there is a domestic violence restraining order filed against me if I was never served.

One week ago i was struck by my wife while was holding our 7mth old son. I called 911 and so did my wife. The sheriff's arrived My wife said I struck her I said she struck me .I was arrested Posted bailed for$350 four hours later. ..I went home packed a few items and left. I went to my home Yesterday to see my kids. And the father who raped my Wife when she was a little kid was there with my four minor kids 3 of whom are girls. I was boiling inside but kept my composure for my kids. I said to my wife how can you bring this person around our kids after what he did to you. She kept quite. I didn't know what to do to protect my kids. I am overwelmed and afraid. Am now getting contacted by the sheriff's saying they have some paperwork they want to give me. WHAT DO I DO NEXT????

Nathan’s Answer

You should contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately. If any government agent desires to speak with you, you should respectfully decline since you will have hopefully retained an attorney that will do the speaking for you. You also want to carefully abide by any temporary restraining order conditions until your restraining order hearing if you are being served with a TRO. If you are being served with a TRO, you'd want to hire civil restraining order counsel immediately as well since TRO's are heard relatively quickly.

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CAMTC license to be renewed

City of rafael forced me to close my business ,+ move everything out because I am waiting for my CAMTC license to be renewed.

I paid for and received a year license for the city, I have not comited any crimes or been accused of any crimes. just after opening they cited me minor and false items and since I did not request a hearing, the false items becomes facts. even though I complained in person and in writing ,they would not consider it as a PRE CITATION. BECAUSE OF THIS the state has taken 7 months to renew my license but I have been paying my lease and all expenses. I applied to add an employee, The CITY Declared my business closed and told me to move everything out .even though the city allows camtc and non camtc owners. the city caused my bus. to be unsellable ,unable to recover the purchase cost and I still have to pay my lease for 1 more year. HE HAS CAUSED EXTREME PUNISHMENT ..


Nathan’s Answer

When dealing with issues like this, it is important to retain the services of counsel who is familiar with local procedure. You are likely dealing with summary, informal and expedited administrative procedures which require your quick and appropriate responses. In other words, if the city gives you notice of a hearing, it may be inappropriate to respond with demands rather than attend the hearing to help you create a record. I don't know where you are in the timeline, but if you still have a way to work things out with the city, it may be wise to consult administrative attorneys in your area immediately after giving them your entire case file for their review and consultation.

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Professional ethics

There are serious ethical and legal issues with my judge, opposing attorney etc I need help

This is not about being upset over an order .. I am but the orders are being made with bias, not legal, filings not proper, false accusations in closed chambers, no legal basis for orders child's best interest being ignored child's failing situation at nod parents hold being ignored by courts etc because judge is biased. I need to know options talk to someone about options

Nathan’s Answer

Losing in family law can take a heavy emotional toll if the process is perceived as unfair. However, there is a difference between perception and objective reality, which is difficult for anyone in the thick of it to assess. An attorney would be able to assist you in describing your appeal, modification or other options under the law. If anything is happening outside of the bounds of law, and you have evidence of that, nothing is stopping you from filing complaints.

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Professional ethics

My ex lawyer told me yesterday he gave my Case File to the interim successor trustee's lawyer. Isn't that an ethics breach?

My lawyer assured me he would keep my papers safe. Latter, one of the firms other lawyers stated they had copied my file before giving my file to this other trustee's lawyer, so they had my file backed up. Shouldn't the interim successor trustee's lawyer be required to at least make me a copy. She says it's the property of her client, and I can't have copies of the needed documents. Is there a code section to make her copy me?

Nathan’s Answer

It is not clear what role you play in any legal transaction or action, but if you are a client with an attorney, or former attorney, the file is your property, and you are entitled to a copy upon request or demand from your attorney.

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Experienced lawyer to help with a California Finance Lenders License-

I need an experienced lawyer to help with a California Finance Lenders License-

I am looking to apply but have not found a lawyer yet.

Nathan’s Answer

If you need legal or accounting advice, there are many professionals who are willing to assist you. The exhibits portion of the application can be daunting. Also, I can see where assistance may be needed if a non-profit is seeking exemption from the traditional requirements.

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Arrest for criminal charges

Arrested for suspended license and my wifes cae got towed

My wife just bought a car from an auction and it didnt have licenses plates but she paid to get the car registered and the dmv issued her a 30 day moving permit and we placed it on the rear window like they instructed my wife at the dmv. The police officers pulled me over because the car had no licenses plate and they said since it was dark they couldnt see the big red moving permit on my back window is that an unlawful stop?

Nathan’s Answer

It will be your word against the officer's; you mentioned it was dark which suggests the sun was not out and lighting was not good. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

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