Should I modify my stay away order?
I currently have a stay away order from my boyfriend, however, I am currently pregnant and he is incarcerated and I want to visit him. I want him to be able to see his son. The stay away order is from me, my home, my vehicle and my work. I Want to just modify it to remove my person off of it but keep my home, car, and work.
I want to stay safe, but I also don't want to rob him from seeing his child.
A little background, my bf is an addict and bipolar (he was not being treated while he was out). While incarcerated he is sober and on medication. He is a lot more clear headed right now.
Nathan’s Answer
Interestingly, your question was whether you should modify your stay away order, rather than how to go about it - from a professional perspective, bipolar disorder is potentially very dangerous as you have no doubt seen first hand. On the other hand, you mention that your boyfriend is much more clear headed at present. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder tend to improve in their 30's. However, there is a high rate of suffering by partners of bipolar individuals so much so that psychiatrists who treat individuals with bipolar disorder tend to themselves seek their own psychiatrists to deal with their patient load. Only you can know whether it is worth the reward or risk to yourself and the baby after an assessment of the pros and cons of modifying any criminal or civil stay away order.