Is it legal for my university to ask for a release of information and full access to my medical records?
I am a student at a large university. I received notice that I am on suspension and the university has requested full access to my medical records. This request comes the day after they asked for a note saying I am healthy to work. I have a chronic condition which does not cause me issues and I have no special requirements/adjustments that I need, I work full time and attend school. The university has been unable to answer my questions regarding the need for access to my medical records. I am wondering if this is legal?
Nathan’s Answer
Medical record confidentiality can be waived by the holder. If you are on suspension, you likely have the right to an administrative hearing. Does the handbook for the university address such a hearing? You may need counsel's support - the standard for such hearings is much more informal than in court and whatever happens next can have long term effects that echo throughout your lifetime. Invest the call in counsel.